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11. Magenta Fuchsia

Couleur Magenta Fuchsia

Female, optimist, Aphrodisiac

Bright pink obtained by a mixture of night blue and red, this color exudes optimism, love and fusion. Fuchsia brightens your interiors as well as your exteriors.

If it is a color that can sometimes be imposing and too captivating, a combination with softer colors restores balance to your space.  In the open air, a mix with our other bright colors will allow you to create a vibrant outdoor lounge. 

Material: polyvinyl
Structure color: black or white
Use: indoor and/or outdoor

Fauteuil Acapulco Magenta Fuchsia

Acapulco Chair

Table Mila Magenta Fuchsia

Table Mila Magenta Fuchsia